

If the lord is good and always good,then He must have done something good for you in the past or probably doing good in your life now. Psalm 31:19,Psalm 34:8,Psalm 86:5,Psalm 100:5.

Life is full of mountains,storms,challenges and tribulations. John 16:33
All these come our way to promote us based on our perspective towards them. James 1:2-4,Zechariah 4:7

Almost always, we seem to forget what the lord has done for us in the past and this opens the door to worry,fear,defeat,unbelief and doubt in his word(promises) whenever we encounter different or constant challenges.

“But be sure to fear the Lord and faithfully serve him, Think of all the wonderful things he has done for you” 1 Samuel 12:24

Keeping the testimony of the doings of the lord is a weapon that destroys doubt,fear,unbelief and worry.Exodus 16:34
It makes you bold to declare victory any time you face trials. A practical example is found in 1 Samuel 15, when Saul together with an army of 210,000 defeated the Amalekites after defeating the philistines in Chapter 14:16-23.

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In Chapter 17,this same defeated enemy(philistines) came to taunt and ridicule the victors,(Isaraelites) and what happened? They forgot the victory the Lord attained for them over this same enemy and became afraid and deeply shaken. 1 Samuel17:8-11

Where was their testimony? Dissolved by the fear of just looking at Goliath and His words.

Does this happen to believers of today?
It’s noteworthy to know that the principalities we are up against don’t reproduce,they are the same old principalities in the old testament and will always apply these same schemes on us even after a victory or a good thing done in our life to take away our peace.

We must also know that though we become victors today over certain challenges,there will always be greater challenges coming our way as Christians not to defeat us but establish us in God and to remain unshakeable based on your perspective. 1 Peter 5:9-10

Even after a deliverance,the enemy goes back to strengthen up and later come back to check up on the victim to possess and control them again as seen in 1 Samuel 17:1 and Matthew 12:43-45
Jesus knowing this, told the delivered demon possessed man in Mark 5:18-29 to go and make his testimony known to His family and other people instead of Him becoming a follower of Jesus.


I believe that man became one of the first people Jesus empowered to win souls based on the word of His testimony because,sharing our encounter or testimony of Jesus is also another part of soul winning and named as one of the weapons in Ephesians 6:15.

What must i do when i encounter different challenges right after victory or celebrating God’s goodness?
King David shows us how.



By: Joel Asiaw


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