
The Christian: God’s Earthly Excellency (Time with Prophet Fred)

As for the saints who are on the earth, They are the excellent ones …….” (Psalms 16:3) New King James

The Christian life is a call unto excellence. The ultimate priority of the heavenly father is to behold HIS children exuding and permeating excellence on the earth, to accentuate HIS nature. In the law court, there is a termed called “exhibit”, which actually depicts a substantial evidence or proof a prosecutor or anyone attaches to his statement to convince the court, that, he is living in reality of his words.

 Excellency is a heavenly material, deposited inside the spirit of the Christian, to exhibit   to the world that, we  are the new breed, having been endowed with God’s nature to rule in every facet of our lives in Christ Jesus. Unfortunately, because many Christians have not come to the knowledge of the reality, their lives have become a palace of predicament, an amphitheatre of reproach, shame and a myriad of retrogression, failure and perpetual agony.

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Jesus, the firstborn of many brethren, is an epitome of God’s excellence. In Hebrews 1:4, the scriptures testifies of the Christ, ”being made so much better than angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name….”. Jesus had obtained excellence by inheritance. The Hebrew word for excellence is “yatteer” which connotes to preeminent, surpassing, extreme, exceedingly, whiles the Greek word for excellent is “deeaf’oros” which depicts different, varying in kindexcellent, surpassing. The Greek word for inheritance  is “klayronomeh’o” which renders “to receive a lot, receive as one’s own or as a possession to become partaker, obtain by right of inheritance to be a heir”.


Glory!!! The Christian has by right inherited to be preeminent, surpassing, extreme, extra-ordinary. The Christian is path finding, he has been ordained to express inexplicable mastery over situations.

Saint, God has invested vastly in your spirit, which makes you impossible to fail, by divine arithmetic, you have been called to display excellence. The president of your country is not the only person referred as HIS EXCELLENCY, you are also reckoned as EXCELLENCY BY HEAVEN.

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Further Study

Daniel 6:3, 1 Corinthians 12:31, 1 Peter 2:9(AMP)

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