
MORNING DEW: Hell, A Place Of Torment


TEXT: LUKE 16:24

“He cried and said, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue! For I am in anguish in this flame.’”


It is sad to hear some people say, “there is no hell”. But let me assure you that, hell is real. Hell is a dungeon or prison.
Hell is a place or state of punishment for the wicked after death.
The place of the dead, or of souls after death the lower regions, or the grave called in Hebrew, sheol, and by the Greeks, hades. (Psalms 16:10).
It is also a place of pains, temporal death, or agonies that dying persons feel, or which bring to the brink of the grave. (Psalms 18).

The man in the story cried and called out Abraham. This man according to the Bible was enjoying on earth (Luke 16:19). He had enough to eat. He had enough to wear. He lived luxurious life. But he lacked one thing, that’s the Master of the universe.


This unnamed rich man never had the poor in heart. Lazarus used to struggle with his stubborn dogs which would not allow him to eat the fallen particles of food and bones (Luke 16:21). This man lacked nothing as far as the riches of this world is concerned, but as far as heaven was concerned he lacked everything.

God has no respecter of persons. Your riches end here. When you look round and the only thing you see is your body lying lifeless, there is only one thing needed at that moment, your destination, hell or paradise to wait for the final judgment to be transported from hell to the lake of fire and from paradise to heaven.

This rich man was in hell being tormented. He needed help which he could not get, because after death there is no repentance. Any decision you want to make, it should be now.
Christian, you think you can live any kind of life and make it to heaven? Stop deceiving yourself and read Matthew 7:21: “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.”


Had I known will be too late friend. This life is nothing without Christ. If you know Christ constantly check your salvation to look out for the loopholes and work on them, if you don’t know Christ seek Him while it’s still day. He loves you. Accept Him now!

Beloved, if you miss heaven you won’t miss hell. Hell is a place of torment, try as much as possible to miss it.

Prayer: I dedicate myself to you this moment, forgive my sins Lord, and draw me closer to you, in Jesus’ Name!

Rev. John Wundengba

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