
The Beginning of Fountain Gate Chapel in Bolgatanga

The church was birthed as an idea of high conviction in the heart of Rev. Joseph Eastwood Anaba, a Pharmacy graduate of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science And Technology Kumasi, Ghana, working at America’s Pharmacy.

He believed that ancestral worship and its concomitants – superstition, ignorance, diseases and poverty-could not be the divine purpose for his people.

NINTAM (as the Fountain Gate Chapel was then called) which means Tears in the Frafra dialect was the acronym for Northern Deliverance In Tears Ministry, the full name of the Ministry. Nintam was birthed out of the revelation that the ministry of spiritual deliverance of the people could not succeed in any other manner except by the ministry of love, compassion, a brokenness of heart before God for attention. Thus the humble success of this ministry was as a result of those times of intercession in the open Bolgatanga Sports Stadium.

The Nintam Ministry after about 1½ years of intercessory emphasis believed that God was leading the ministry to another ministerial emphasis. The name Broken Yoke Foundation was chosen to give expression to the new direction of spiritual emphasis. An aggressive move of the Holy Spirit to break the yokes of the people of the Land released an amazing dimension of the anointing. The present name Fountain Gate Chapel became necessary again for the church to depict yet another phase in the life of the church- when the evangelistic and prophetic role of the ministry produced people who had to settle down as thriving churches to water the lands where they were found as supernatural fountains.

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At this time persecution on the church had so increased that husbands threatened their wives with divorce if they did not leave the church. Some women really had to leave the church to save their marriages.


The church secured a parcel of land and began the construction of its own meeting place the Sanctuary of Glory. Motivated to work and finance the project, women sold their cloth and men disposed of their bicycles to raise funds. Meanwhile Sunday church services were held in the mornings prior to constructional work under a leafless baobab tree.


From the humble beginning as an idea in the heart of a university student to the meeting of 6 people in an isolated office in Bolgatanga, the Fountain Gate Chapel has grown to have over 56 branches in Ghana, Ouagadougou, London, Hamburg, and Düsseldorf. The church has a fully operational first cycle educational institution up to the J.S.S level. Plans are far advanced to start a Senior Secondary School. The church through its social wing the Help Foundation takes care of the educational needs of orphans and destitute children and runs Fountain Gate Ministerial Academy (FGMA) which is the bible school.

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