The paradox of humility and pride has eclipsed the hearts of many, and have conscientiously been affected with negativism of abundance. Many have been stigmatized with the average life, mediocre and below par life, because, they want to omit themselves been branded as sects in occultism, thieves of robbing others rights to achieve personal gains, part of a group who loot the public coffers to enrich themselves.
Many in the present age irrespective of their age, colour, religion and tribe have fallen into the normalcy of life and have equated themselves to the status quo, because, to their reasoning, achieving much and becoming super successful will elicit pride in you or probably, cause all attention on you.
It is with this notion, that, many prefer the normal life and die unknown. Success is relative and each stage of your life should signify an accumulated success. You are the first victim of oppression, if you fail in life. None is indemnified from the horrendous aspect of life when he fails. Nothing is more devastating and hurtful than, to play second fiddle to people in life, whereas, you had the potentials to be first and inspire others. Dreary moments are real, and to escape such moments with ease, you have to be successful. Success is not accidental, but, inputting your potentials to work, handling disappointments and set fresh tougher goals and stay committed to them.
Unfortunately, those who have attained unprecedented peaks in life have marred their success with absurd lifestyles, which are contrary to the norms of life. Many great men became a public ridicule and could not end well, because, they could not handle their fame, abundance and greatness.
You were born to be successful. You do not owe any being whether living or dead an apology for your success, yet, the perfect end point of your success should be lowliness and humility.