Editor's PicksOPINIONS

Directing Others to Heaven to Heading Towards Hell

Many Christians shamble in their walk of faith as they are exposed to numerous works of the flesh; which most often overwhelm them and deactivate their level of vibrancy. Many have longed entering their first love, but to no avail and in effect, envelope their faith adventure with sheer hypocrisy.

Upon perusal of this dilemma, it is fascinating to accrue this to many factors which have either been underestimated or overemphasised in the body of Christ. This bane is highly affiliated with the youths who use the speaking of tongues, casting out of devils, success seminars, dancing to high voltage praises and supposing interpreting scriptures line by line and precept by precept under the direct auspices of the Holy Ghost as an undercover, yet their secret lifestyle is archetypical to the gulf that separated the bosom of Abraham and residence of the rich man.

Scriptures cannot be broken, as the Lord via His Spirit has said, “ for the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth……”-(2 Chronicles 16:9) and “neither is any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do”. (Hebrews 4:13)

One contributing factor to this cancerous lifestyle is inability for to share their weakness with fellow Christians. The brotherly love which should have been contagious in the church has drifted in the modern day Christianity; as fidelity as a substance is short of supply in the church.  Sensitive issues which demoralise the spiritual intensity of members(church leaders) is rarely communicated to others, because of its viral exposure to both other members and outsiders. The fear of one’s weakness used as a point of reference in any form serves as deterrence for people sharing their problems which deflate their spiritual life. People therefore resort to hoarding their shameful secret lifestyle which would end them in utmost destruction, yet might play a strategic and core role in the church. What a bizarre!! This has actually augmented hypocrisy in the church.

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Secondly, has the church done their best?

The church remains pivotal to the salvation of individuals. Inasmuch there are no churches in heaven does not demean the potency of the church aiding one to heaven. The church should have enough capacity to probe the lifestyle of their leaders both spiritually and physically. The church is God’s regent in institutionalizing His will in the lives of His sons. Jesus was so careful about the end time church, that, He issued the five fold ministries to the church for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry and the edifying of the body of Christ.

The mannerism at which some churches treat individuals at fault in the name of reprimanding them petrify many in the same act from approaching church leaders to earnestly communicate their struggles. To be openly reprimanded with no aorta of godly salvation is null, and as such, members will  frown at such exercise which would traumatised their relationship with God and man. The church remains a citadel for the members, and as such should develop spiritual strategies  of making the members feel loved again after they have been reprimanded. Paul, the apostle can  boast, of his impact on the Corinthian church. He said, “ Now I rejoice, not that ye were made sorry, but that ye sorrowed unto repentance: for ye were made sorry after a godly manner , that ye might receive damage by us in nothing”. (2 Corinthians 7:9). He envisioned the salvation of the church more vital than his letters; his letters were just a duct to their salvation.

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Last but not the least, the absence of remorsefulness is a jeopardy to the church. The conviction power has been amputated by the seared conscience of the members. They are reluctant to adhere to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and rather glory in the praise of men of how good they are. Like Stephen said in Acts 7:51,

“ ye stiff necked and uncircumcised in heart and in ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost”.

Most members have scuppered the operations of the Holy Spirit by their seared conscience and inability to be remorseful. Paul talks about dying daily in his walk in the faith, which has actually been parallel in the walk of many leaders in church today.

Hell is expanding as such sect in the Christendom have covered their life with spiritual gimmicks.

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