Fruitful Vine (Ladies’ Conference) under the auspices of Young & Wise GH, is a wakeup call for ladies to take their rightful places in the development of the society.
It is a call to rediscovering the original purpose and role of women in global change, creating a sense of worth and value.
“And your wife shall be a FRUITFUL VINE…” (Psalms 128:3)
The woman is supposed to be a HELPER; to complement the function of the man to complete God’s purpose for mankind.
This exposes the fact What the human race needs from the WOMAN goes beyond physical appearance. The Fruitful Vine woman has the ability to handle multiple tasks effectively, contribute immensely to corporate success and support solving complexities under attaining progress.
This is why The fruitfulness of Man is highly dependent on the Woman. For man to grow, Women must glow. For man to positively strive, Women must thrive.
The role of the woman cannot be de-emphasized.
FOCUSES For 2017 edition
Our Focuses for the year 2017 hinges on exposing cutting edge insights that will disrupt the mind on staying true to who we are, without fear of self devaluation and uncertainties about the true value of womanhood.
1. What is the WORTH of a woman?
Deep in one’s soul, we feel great EMPTINESS and UNCERTAINTY. We feel compelled to measure up to the standards of other people while at the same time, not being able to measure up to our own SENSE of WHOLENESS.
We are always followed by our sense of shame, thus our true self identity gets hidden under a mask of perfection and enhanced beauty. Beyond that mask however, we feel inadequate, exhausted and limping over trying over and over again to get things right.
Healing begins when we STOP our frantic efforts to keep up with others.
Healing begins when we are able to face the worst pictures of ourselves and still believe that we are worth more than we believe we are.
Our REAL WORTH is our LIKENESS to God Himself. We are FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY made.
2. What Makes a Woman Beautiful?
Our society places higher emphasis on the physical aspect of beauty while neglecting the Chief elements that really makes a woman totally beautiful.
Television, movies, magazines and advertorial boards are all head-over-heels displaying comely attractive people. We see men and women (women especially) expediently consulting plastic surgeons, with highly trained expertise to undergo amplifying processes simply to enhance their appearance.
Our society is obsessed with being beautiful! But is there more to beauty than what meets the eye ?
It is knee-jerking to know that Many women have designed the notion that the key to beauty lies in their makeup kits.
There are over a million reasons why women believe they’re literally judged by their facial appearances. Hence, the decision to apply cosmetic substances to improve their facial looks.
The swift uprising speed of pop culture influence and mass media projections have thrown support to these social judgements, with top beauty firms earning a lot of money through impudently promoting the ‘before-and-after’ effects of their effectual facial enhancement products.
If all a woman is wilfully mindful of, is the physically composed beauty she possesses, without valuing her inner and godly qualities, she is as hollow as an empty piece of shell.
It is within every woman’s reach to become the beautiful woman God originally designed her to be. She should be beautiful both in the outside & on the inside. Most importantly, she should be beautiful to God!
To make this Purpose happen in every woman’s life, Young & Wise GH, has been dedicated to putting together a one night women empowerment conference dubbed FRUITFUL VINE ’17.
Fruitful Vine Conference will give every woman the opportunity to understand the expository knowledge about:
1. Healing your Self Esteem
2. Beauty beyond Makeup
3. Point of Honour (To be used by God)
Theme for the Conference is: A Vessel Of Honour (2 Tim. 2:20)
Seasoned SPEAKERS scheduled to impact their knowledge with key resources at the event include;
Dr. Robin Fiedler, USA.
A Professor, Educationist and Counsellor, and a highly sought-after speaker.
Mrs. Yvonne Adomako Asabre. CEO, La Vie Company Ltd.
Currently leading over 5 independently managed companies, Mrs. Yvonne approaches her teachings with strong experiential force, both in the women’s job market and the Social standards of women in the society.
Elizabeth Korkor Hammond Young & Wise GH.
Elizabeth is a thriving woman achiever with a great passion To Help women achieve all-round optimum success.
Programme will be happening live at King’s Covenant Life Chapel, Obuasi-Nyameso, on Sunday 11th June, 2017 at 4pm.