Making Jesus Proud, an annual Christian event by Max Gyams and the New Minstrels returns this year with the theme “Consecrated Vessels”. This is its fourth edition since 2015.
Since 2015, the program has seen the likes of Eugene Zuta, Eunice Coffie, Omari Kissi and Royal Chris performing. The rest include Sandra Afreh, Sammy Obeng Poku, Rev. Enoch Akwaboah and Afia Sika.
Supporting artistes for this year’s event include Pastor Siisi Baidoo, NAVAH, Patricia and Rev. Enoch Akwaboah.
The program comes on this weekend, 23rd December, 2018 at the Glorious Zion Mission International.
Max Gyams and the New Birth Mistrels will also use the event to record new tracks to promote the gospel.