Therefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our confession, Christ Jesus, who was faithful … (Hebrews 3:1-2).
The parade and sequence of challenges in the life of a believer does not necessarily input the notion of the absence of God. Everyone born of God has the crown of victory inherent in his/her spirit. The hurdles of challenges therefore, ought not be destructive unto us as Christians, but be constructive in building our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The contrary winds against our faith should not deter us from our loyalty to the Word and a display of malicious attitude towards God.
Our opening verse, illustrates unto us, our channel of behaviour towards circumstances. Amid dire situations, God expects of His children to exhibit the fruit of trust in the Lord and unperturbed decisions against them. The Spirit of God clearly proposes to us as partakers of the heavenly calling to consistently consider whom we professed as Lord on our entrance in the faith. In 1CCorinthians2:3, the bible says, “… no one can say Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit. At the onset of our Christian faith, we never professed man as our Lord, but JESUS as our Lord. It is of great necessity to comprehend therefore, the potency of our confession of Jesus as Lord over our lives and His impeccable abilities HE displays in our time of distress.
Job at a certain juncture of his life, faced stiff opposition from the devil, and even cursed the day he was born as an aftermath effect. (Job 3:1-3). Through the diverse tuturbulences and palpable afflictions, Job in despondency murmured against God. This is in replica, triggered a sharp response from God, where HE practically had a discourse with Job. In the discourse, He asked Job many things which are in existence, which were products of His manifold wisdom. The questions were so piercing to Job, so much so, that he reversed his thinking toward God, and finally stood in awe for God. In Job 42:3; he says “You asked, “Who is this who hides counsel without knowledge? Therefore I have uttered what I did not understand, things too wonderful for me which I did not know”. His confessions changed and he now extolled the supremacy of the Lord and within this remorse, God adhered to his prayers and blessed him yet another time.
To the new creation, the Bible clearly stipulates that “… remember those who rule over you, who have spoken the word of God to you whose faith follow, considering the outcome of their conduct Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Hebrews 13:7-8) The compassionate nature of Christ is insatiable, ever ready to express its highest magnitude to the believer in doom and gloomy moments. The believer ought to unabated in faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, knowing that HE is capable of lifting him from the miry clay to the rock.
Beloved, Jesus Christ is faithful to us and will never denounce us in the darkest moments of our lives, be confident in Him in all thy ways. Shalom.
Osei Frimpong Frederick
Sunyani Technical University