Editor's PicksOPINIONS

 Why the Church is losing Members to Fan Clubs.

The early Apostles of Christ made the welfare of the Church their main concern for they knew if the members are not well catered for it might go a long a way to affect the physical growth of the Church. In so doing they made Apostle Stephen, who was then a Deacon at the Jerusalem church the head of Welfare for the Church.

In the passage where Jesus fed the 5,000 who came to listen to his gospel; his disciples initially suggested they be allowed to go get their own food but Jesus Christ disagreed with them and lo and behold the young boy’s bread and fish was the only available food to be blessed and it fed all the congregants with 12 baskets excess.

In our contemporary Christian world and especially Ghana, the Church now sees the welfare of members as a secondary matter but rather expects the members of the church to seek to the growth of the Church.

Aged members of most churches aren’t being visited anymore but their funerals are largely attended, school going children in most churches drop out of school because the church which they depended on to help also showed them the exit of they can’t be of help, youth undergoing apprenticeship trainings are now hustling to get support but none is coming from the church.

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Young ladies who are lured away by some heartless men who promise to support them complete their apprenticeship training or school end up getting unwanted pregnancies; and here the church is quick to come out and call the poor lady before the congregation and disgrace them and later expel them from the church until the church deems it fit to call them members again.


Here Cometh the Fan Clubs.


We now have a lot of Fan Clubs in our society who are taking up the welfare responsibilities of the church by making their members feel at home during difficult times.

Members of most churches now replace weekend church activities with Fan Club meetings due to the welfare benefits they get from these places.

I’m in no way condemning the Church, most of them might have genuine financial difficulties but that still doesn’t mean a member should be allowed to go and hustle for a need the church could’ve done something about it.

I watched a popular Prophet on one of the local TV stations saying , he sometimes run away early before church closes, simply because members who come to him demanding for transportation alone is so huge it can have an effect on the budget of the church!!

So I ask what then is the church meant for apart from telling the salvation gospel to get candidates for heaven?

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The current churches now takes more from the members and refuse to give a helping hand when members need the church most. I personally know some Christians who are now backslidden because the churches they attend turned their back on them and they had no option than to go out to the world.

Fan clubs send out birthday wishes to members, visit them when the need arises, give out soft loans to members who want to start business and other things the church could’ve been doing.

The Church must go back to their old ways where the welfare of the members of the church was more important to them than anything else.

The church is too busy to the extent that, Follow ups and visitations are all becoming things of the past of which the Fan Clubs are also capitalizing on to increase their membership drive.

It is time the church ponders over this and go search for all their missing flocks that left the church for welfare reasons. Some of us expect the church to reduce their demands for money from members and rather see to how they will empower their members to be self-sustainable.


You can contact the writer on /0249542342.


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