In a bid to get to know our future partners before marriage, godly and ungodly systems have been put in place to make it possible but the hard truth is that no one before marriage can claim to fully have adequate knowledge of their spouse to be even after going through all those systems.
But one thing stands tall among two individuals who have developed a love for each other; they are willing to pay the price to keep their mental Intercourse ongoing non-stop. They do this by checking up on each other in person or even at strange times like in the middle of a meeting etc just to keep the flame that drew them together alive.
A lady was in a relationship with a gentleman which was supposed to end in marriage but the guy always portrayed this “I am busy” attitude to the lady whenever she asked him why their fellowship seemed to be uninspiring. The question she asked me was;”Can someone be in love and yet not create room for a discourse at all with their lover due to a busy schedule?”
I quickly smirked politely and used myself as an example. Although I have a tight schedule, I believe it is the ability to make room to communicate with that one person I have desired or agreed to settle down with even amid a ministration, lectures or a presentation that proves how serious I am about the relationship. Technology has even made it easier to communicate through voice notes, video notes and texts which doesn’t take much time. I proceeded by asking her to think about the gentleman’s claim. If he claims to be that busy why not a text to check up, a text to show caring, or to help you to be emotionally secure in this loving relationship? Why is it that he only talks to you only when you reach out to him?
Even God had/has time to focus on our salvation, came in the form of a man because of love and promised us that absolutely nothing shall separate us from his love. So how busy is this guy? Busier than God to the extent that he no longer has that urgent desire to check up on the lady he so much loves?
I helped her to ponder on the issue from the right perspective and she later confronted the guy with these questions,it was discovered that he wasn’t interested in the lady again because he had met another lady. Although this isn’t the case everywhere, it’s the cause of most.
Because our minds have been schooled by the various wrong definitions of love, our actions have also been far from what we say love is. This has dulled our recognition of what love truly is. But one thing remains. ..
The place where your treasure is, is the place you will most want to be, and end up being.
Matthew 6:21 MSG