

MORNING DEW: 15/01/2019


TEXT: LUKE 1:46-55

  1. Then Mary said, “My soul praises the greatness of the Lord!
  2. My spirit exults in God, my Savior,
  3. because he has looked favorably on his humble servant. From now on, all generations will call me blessed,
  4. because the Almighty has done great things for me. His name is holy.
  5. His mercy lasts from generation to generation for those who fear him.
  6. He displayed his mighty power with his arm. He scattered people who were proud in mind and heart.
  7. He pulled powerful rulers from their thrones and lifted up humble people.
  8. He filled hungry people with good things and sent rich people away with nothing.
  9. He helped his servant Israel, remembering to be merciful,
  10. according to the promise he made to our ancestors— to Abraham and his descendants forever.”

Beloved, I have not done with “David, The Man After God’s Own Heart” yet, just trying to let you enjoy different messages and to remind you of some key topics which are key to our faith as Christians.

This is one of them, enjoy it.


Mary saw the need to praise God for His wondrous acts in her life, the fact that she was carrying the Messiah. She was fortunate to have been chosen by God to bring forth the Messiah to the world. Mary did not act like most of us, where we don’t know how to give thanks.

Surviving the night, some think it is normal. Bringing forth a miracle after nine months, some think it is normal. When you finish taking your meal, some don’t take it to be anything. Acquiring a job, some think their connections made it so there is no need to give thanks.


Tell me what you have that was or is not given by God. Maybe your bloody money. Or maybe the money you stole. You know very well that God did not give you that amount so your thanks will not even ascend to Him.

Always render your praise to Him. You have made it, give thanks. You have failed, give thanks.


“He scattered people who were proud in mind and heart”.

God did that and continue to do it. People who think they have arrived so who is God? People who think that they made it without the help of God. People who don’t regard God. He scattered such ones and still scattering.

“He pulled powerful rulers from their thrones and lifted up humble people”.

People like king Nebuchadnezzar, king Herod, king Ahab were pulled down. People who think they are powerful than God Himself will be dealt with. A mere position has turned some individuals into dictators, tyrants, gods. Such people cannot last in such positions.

“He filled hungry people with good things and sent rich people away with nothing”.

People who think they have money so any other persons should bow to them. Christians now complain of businesses, companies, stores, factories, etc, but no more church minded. They prefer working throughout the day in the office to the church services.

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When he spends three hours during church service, it’s like he spends the whole day in church. The pastor will receive condemnation that day, “what is this pastor doing? You can’t manage your time? Don’t you know that people have businesses to attend to? I don’t think I belong here”, are some of the criticisms.

When such person spends ten hours in the office it is nothing to him. Beloved, you don’t know Jesus yet. If you cannot have quality time with God but can have quality time with your business, then I’m afraid. One thing you should know is that, whatever you love more than God is your god. So your business is your god.

The so-called rich men and women, it is just the matter of time, and you become nothing and plain like crystal. You will have to pass through fire as a test to see whether you can survive it.

God has better things for His children but only the grateful hearts can receive them. If you are ungrateful, forget it. God will not throw treasures to dogs and pigs.

If you are one repent now! Be like Mary. Have a grateful heart.


“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” (Galatians 6:7).

Prayer: I thank you Lord for the good things you have done in my life, I will continue to bless your name forever, in Jesus’ Name!


Rev. John Wundengba

020 9 422 159

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