Editor's PicksOPINIONS

God turns our Crisis into Opportunities

Whose opinion do you believe? A tiger does not lose sleep over the opinion of the sheep. Some opinions don’t matter. Maturity is knowing what does not need your comment.

Stay focused and trust your journey. No journey to the top is obstacle-free. No matter how brutal the crisis may be, never lose yourself in the crisis. Losing your head in a crisis is a good way to become the crisis.
Because of Covid-19, I facilitated the Strategic Plan of Stanbic Bank South Sudan online. Participants in the strategy workshops were in three different continents. Courtesy of Covid-19, I’ve trained major corporate organizations in the banking, telecommunications, insurance and oil & gas industries in different countries. In every bitter lemon, there is sweet lemonade for those who squeeze the juice.
As I sincerely condole with those who were directly impacted by Covid-19, something good comes out of every crisis. God is well able to sustain you in wasteland and increase you in the wilderness. If you’re in the midst of a crisis, avoid being bitter or blaming anyone. Winston S. Churchill once said, “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”
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