Most people have too much time looking at what God is doing in the lives of others but choose to remain blind in seeing what the Lord has done and is doing in their lives daily. This, I believe ante cedes ingratitude.
All the miracles in the bible did cause some great awe and I love them. Like the woman with the issue of blood, the feeding of thousands with just five loaves of bread and two fishes, healing of blind Bartimaeus and many others to me is not just phenomenal but a springboard to all who believe in the miracle worker.
I strongly believe the greatest miracles happen to us each day of our lives but when it does, we are almost always blind to them.
What could have, would have and should have happened to us orchestrated by the enemy but never happened .Most of us are regarded and revered deeply by the enemy more than we do to ourselves. Because every plan of his against our everyday life never materialize not because we stopped it but the miracle worker did.
When we talk about miracles, they are not just in the bible anymore because it’s in your life and mine.
We just have to look out for them to happen in our everyday life. Just imagine what would happen if we learn to thank God in our everyday life for the seen and unseen miracles we enjoy as children of God. We will always be grateful and never be ungrateful.
Miracles don’t happen to the dead, they happen for the living. Even when it happens to the dead, they are brought back to life again. Expect a miracle today.
You are a miracle.
God bless